Outward Brand VS Inward Brand

Advertising campaigns are designed to bring attention to your company. The point is to get someone to visit a store, visit a website, or simply gain recognition of a brand. It can’t stop there! All too often it does though.

It is hugely important to support your outward brand. Your advertising campaign is usually the loudest voice your business has. It should not be just a clever gimmick to get people to contact you. Here’s why...

Advertising is successful when the prospective client contacts you in any way. It’s up to you after that.

Unfortunately, many warm leads are dispersed by not supporting your outward brand. Your outward brand is anything you put out into the marketplace. Your outward brand should simply be a mirror of your inward brand.

This means everything about your brand must match to achieve the best results. People responded to your advertising campaign because they like what you said. If you don’t back that up when they reach out to you, they will not buy.

So, be really serious with yourself. Does your outward brand match your inward brand? Is the experience, the tone, the personality the same in your commercials as it is in your business?

A Big Mac tastes the same anywhere in the world. The brand remains consistent. That builds trust between the consumer and the business. Write out everything you can do to make your brand strong. What can you adjust to make it stronger? Here are some examples...

  • Colour scheme/Interior Design – Is it consistent with creative?
  • Promotional messaging (Signs/Cards/Menus/Anything paper) – Are the messages written in the same style/voice as your outward brand?
  • Transactional Offers – When you have a deal, is it reflected in store? Do you make as big a deal out of it as you do in your ads? Do you make it easy for people to make the connection?
  • Music – Do you play customized music that fits your brand?
  • Specialty products (Chalk boards, in store social media, uniforms) – Do they fit your brand? Have you thought of innovative ways to promote yourself at the point of purchase?

All marketplaces are crowded. You need to do everything in your command to make your brand recognizable. The more brand you can put out there, the more likely it will be remembered. Just remember to keep it simple and consistent. It can be simple and plentiful. Just choose one voice and speak from it often.

Don’t let the thought of this be too overwhelming. It is hugely important. Remember, there is always someone who can help you. One of them wrote this article.