Humanizing your product for advertising success

People are funny creatures. We can make a kinship with practically anything. Have you ever seen the Ikea “Lamp” commercial? Basically we watch as a lamp is unplugged from the wall and carried to the curb to be thrown away. It’s all scored with heart wrenching music. We watch as the lamp sits on the curb in the rain, seemingly watching its previous owner sit in the warmth of her home under the light of a brand new lamp. It tugs at your heart strings. They finish the ad by asking “why do you feel bad for this lamp. It’s because you’re crazy, and the new one is much better.” It’s funny, easy to connect with, and extremely memorable.

It gives you really good insight into how people think though. We can connect with anything. Even a desk lamp can be human. Ikea did a great job of relating their products in a new and interesting way. It’s something that almost any business can do in their advertising. How can your product become more than just an inanimate object? How can you create that connection between your listeners/clients and your product? There are two ways that I’ll discuss today.

Firstly, there is the serious approach. Here’s an ad I wrote for Great West Chrysler in Edmonton.

This ad is designed to remind people that their car can be more than just a car. It’s a member of your family. Most of the points are generic enough to relate to almost anybody. It’s easy to relate to your own life. One of the strongest things you can do in your advertising is to connect with your audience on a real emotional level. When people can imagine their lives with your product, you can have a great relationship. A lot of businesses have long histories in their communities. All too often they state this in their advertising by just saying that. “We’ve been in business in Edmonton for 40 years.” That statement doesn’t entice the average listener very much. It’s much better to show how your business or product has affected the lives of your clients over those 40 years. What have you changed in their lives? What have you made better? What contributions have you made to their lifestyle? How were you there for them when they needed you? Connect with your clientele on a personal level. It’s the strongest connection a person can have. Remember, if people can connect with a lamp, they can connect with your business. You don’t even need a history with them. Just try to remind them that your product is more than just a product. It’s a necessary element of your client’s lives.

Here’s a similar approach, but in a different style. This one is still meant to make a personal connection, but in a comedic way.

This one doesn’t quite have the same personal connection as the Great West Chrysler ad, but it still churns up emotions (even though those emotions are completely ridiculous.) We’re able to transfer real sadness & despair to a hot tub. But, in the end, it’s obviously a joke. The listener eventually realizes it’s for an old & discontinued hot tub sale. I think this approach is a lot more fun & effective than yelling price points in a generic sale ad. It’ll cut through faster, for less advertising dollar. Humanize your product.

How can you find your own personal connection with your advertising? Try to think of why people use your service or product. Once you break it down to the most human level, you’ll probably find your best selling feature.